Indulge in nostalgia or uncover something new with our list of films celebrating their 30th anniversaries this year. From family-friendly classics to cringe-worthy comedies, travel back to 1994 with the BBFC!🍿✨ Check out our list below which includes the age ratings and content advice for each film.

The Lion King (1994)
no material likely to offend or harm
As a cub, Simba is forced to leave the Pride Lands after his father Mufasa is murdered by his wicked uncle, Scar. Years later, he returns as a young lion to reclaim his throne.

Pom Poko (1994)
mild violence, threat, scary scenes, rude humour
POM POKO is a dubbed Japanese animated comedy adventure from 1994 in which tribes of raccoons from across Japan unite in an attempt to save their habitats from human encroachment.
Rival tribes of raccoons assume human characteristics as they battle each other using sticks as weapons, which are also deployed in a confrontation with actual humans. The violence is mild and without injury detail.
threat and horror
There are moments of mild threat, including a scene in which the raccoons have to make a hurried escape from an abandoned house which they have made their home when a mechanical digger starts knocking it down. In another scene, a sabotaged truck skids off a road an plunges down a cliff. There are also scary scenes in which the raccoons, who have shape-shifting abilities, turn into human beings with featureless faces or into fantastical creatures and giant skeletons.
rude humour
There is a passing reference to "swinging balls". In another scene, the testicles of raccoons expand in comical fashion and are used as weapons.
There is brief sight of blood in the aftermath of a raccoon being run down by a car.

Dumb And Dumber (1994)
moderate sex references, nudity, comic violence, bloody images, language
Two buffoonish friends take a road trip to Aspen to return a suitcase to its owner and become embroiled in a criminal kidnapping plot in this US comedy caper, which features crude humour and comic bloody images.
Comic violence occurs during a man's fantasy, involving crunchy martial arts moves, a bite to a man's crotch, and a man smashing through another's chest and pulling out his beating heart, which results in a brief bloody image. Other violence is milder, including harmless gunshots and a beating in a toilet cubicle.
threat and horror
There are brief scenes of gun threat, as well as references to a man's kidnap. A man is mistakenly given rat poison instead of prescription medication for his stomach ulcer after he reacts violently to a planted chilli pepper. A man's trouser leg catches fire, but this doesn't result in serious injury.
There is moderate bad language ('slut', 'pussy'), along with other milder terms ('asshole', 'ass', 'bastard', 'son of a bitch', 'crap', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'piss', 'butt', 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'hell', 'God' and 'damn').
There are moderate verbal sex references to 'boning', 'shagging', 'hooters' and pornography. A man uses a carrot and two pieces of coal to replicate male genitalia when dressing a snowman.
There is brief female buttock nudity after a man lifts up a woman's dress during a fantasy sequence. In the same sequence, a woman's breasts are depicted as flashing headlights.
sexual violence and sexual threat
An undetailed comic reference is made to paedophilia, and there is a mistaken use of 'rapist' to describe a man's wit.
rude humour
A man has to defecate explosively after he unknowingly consumes an excessive amount of laxatives. A police officer drinks a man's urine from a bottle after he mistakes it for alcohol. It is implied a man urinates while riding on the back of a moped.
alcohol and smoking
Adults smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol in some scenes.

Shallow Grave (1994)
strong violence, threat, bloody images, language
Three friends find a suitcase of money in their dead flatmate's room in this often darkly comic 1994 UK thriller. Brutal violence and bloodletting ensues after they try to keep it from criminals on the trail of the cash.
People are stabbed and beaten, and there is some use of improvised weapons (for example, a crowbar, a toaster). A plastic bag is pulled over a person's head, followed by scenes in which he struggles to breathe. A character pushes and then hammers a knife deep into a person's body. In one scene, a person is drowned in a bath, and in another scene a character is repeatedly shut inside a freezer before he is left to freeze to death. There is associated wound detail and blood in the aftermath of violence.
threat and horror
In one scene, a character threatens a man with a power drill which briefly cuts into skin. There are also scenes in which characters are stalked.
Strong language ('f**k') occurs, as well as milder terms ('bastard', 'crap', 'bloody', 'shit', 'God', 'Jesus', 'Christ').
There are verbal references to pornography, sex phone lines and to sexual arousal.
A person makes brief mildly discriminatory verbal references while proposing a toast.
There is brief comic verbal reference to freebasing, and in one scene a person discovers packages of unidentified drugs.
sexual violence and sexual threat
A person spies on a woman while she lies in bed.
injury detail
In one scene, there is brief close-up sight of bloodstained dismembered limbs wrapped in newspaper. There is also close-up sight of corpses and wound detail.
There is brief non-sexual frontal and rear nudity.
rude humour
A person briefly urinates in masked fashion.
flashing/flickering lights
This work contains flashing images which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.

The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert (1994)
strong language, sex references
THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT is an Australian comedy drama from 1994, in which two drag performers and a transgender woman make an eventful journey across the outback to put on a show.
There is strong language (‘f**k’) and milder terms which include 'bitch', ‘cocksucker’, ‘cock’, 'shit', 'ass', ‘arse’ and 'bloody'.
It is implied that a woman inserts ping pong balls into her vagina, which she then shoots from herself during a strip-tease performance; she also exposes herself to the audience during this sequence, but there is no visual detail or nudity around these acts. There are frequent verbal sex references, often involving crude humour and comic innuendo.
A character remembers an incident in which a man behaved in a sexually abusive way toward him as a child; however, the boy escapes unharmed and comically turns the tables on the man, leaving him in discomfort. A character is punched and forced to the ground in a homophobic attack, before being threatened with further violence; this incident is interrupted when a woman kicks one of the attackers repeatedly in the crotch. There are scenes of, and references to, homophobic, transphobic and cultural discrimination; these are not condoned by the work. It is implied that a character rolls a marijuana joint and another takes a pill which appears to be an illegal substance. There are verbal references to the tragic impact of the AIDS crisis. Characters take part in a drinking game

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
strong violence, sexual threat, language, suicide
THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is a US drama, from 1994, in which two men form a friendship in prison.
Scenes show male prisoners being beaten by corrections officers and by other prisoners. There are also blood spurts when a man is shot.
There is use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker').
sexual violence and sexual threat
There are two scenes in which a man is overpowered and threatened with rape or sexual assault. However, no assault actually occurs.
suicide and self-harm
In one scene a man hangs himself. In another scene a man shoots himself, although only the sound of a gunshot and the aftermath are shown. There is a scene in which a man and woman undress each other as they kiss, although the scene stops short of showing sex. There are also some verbal sex references. There is rear nudity as men shower in prison.

Muriel’s Wedding (1994)
strong language, sex references
MURIEL'S WEDDING is an Australian comedy drama in which a young woman dreams of getting married and escaping her small town.
There is use of strong language ('c**ksucker', 'f**k').
References are made to oral sex and there are brief sex scenes.
There is rude humour, brief moments of comic violence, and scenes in which adults drink and smoke.

Pulp Fiction (1994)
drug use, sexual violence
The lives and stories of various characters in LA's criminal underworld come together in this blackly comic film, inspired by pulp magazines and novels. Drug misuse is graphically portrayed.
There are frequent scenes of violence including bloody shootings, stabbings and heavy beatings.
threat and horror
There are sequences in which characters are threatened, including with the prospect of torture.
There is frequent use of strong language throughout ('f**k', 'motherf**ker' and 'c**ksucker').
There are crude verbal references to sexual activity including oral sex. There is also a scene of implied oral sex.
There is frequent use of discriminatory terms relating to race and sexuality, including the 'n' word.
There is explicit sight of drug misuse, including heroin being prepared, mixed and injected - shown in detail and in close shot - by one of the central criminal characters. Other scenes of drug misuse include a woman overdosing on what she thinks is cocaine, resulting in her passing out and having to be revived using an adrenaline shot.
sexual violence and sexual threat
One sequence shows a restrained man who is about to be raped by another man. Although the rape is not shown, the rape is heard by another character in the adjoining room.
injury detail
There is sight of blood and gore in the aftermath of violent acts, including after a man's head is accidentally blown up by a gunshot.
There is frequent strong language ('f**k' and 'motherf**ker') and some unendorsed discriminatory language. The film also contains some strong sex references.

Natural Born Killers (1994)
strong bloody violence, sexual violence
Mickey and Mallory, who love each other, have had a violent childhood. They murder her abusive father and then road-trip, during which they kill many people. The tabloid media glamourises them.
Scenes include shootings, stabbings, a dismemberment, and beatings, with resultant bloody injury detail. Sequences of sexual violence include a man raping a hostage, a man strangling a topless woman, a woman being beaten and threatened with rape, and verbal references to child abuse.
There is use of strong language ('f**k', 'motherf**ker') and brief sexualised nudity.